Welcome To The Art Manfesto!

This site was created by Mur. Its purpose is to allow you into thoughts and art of Mur. WHO IS MUR? This is a great question to be asking. MUR is the signture of Mike Murray, a 26 year old Graphic Design student. I am wanting to take time to display my art as well as showcase those who inspire me. I want to take time for people to get to know the man behind the art. WHAT IS THE ART MANFESTO? It is what I hope to one day become my gallery or my company. It is set out to give young artist a chance to showcase their talents and find a supporting hand in their development of next generation of artist. WHY START THIS SITE NOW? I want to document the rise of The Art Manfesto. I want people to be able to look back and see how it was started and know that they too can make something of themselves out of nothing. WHERE DOES THE THE ART MANFESTO START? It starts in the minds and hearts of the artist. It is a celebration of the imagination. It is the birthplace of creativity. It lies in the hands of anyone that dreams to be the next big thing! WHY THE NAME? It has shock value. It makes a bold statement with just a few words. It is that drives up to think and look at our surroundings. I want people to take the time to look at the art in their lives every day. The Manfesto is a challenge to people to open themselves up to the creativity that lies in them and encourage the creativity in others around them.


My Recent Work

This is also my profile picture on here. It is entitle "Artist Meets Art." I was playing around with different things in one of my photo editing software. I had a line drawing that the photo that I did the line drawing from and overlaid the line with the photograph to get this effect. I loved how it came out.
This on is entitled "Where are you going?" It is of the turn in front of my apartment. It was taken at night while the car was in motion. I love the blurred effect It gave it and the since of not really understanding where you are.

This is also a new picture that I took of my cat, Killie. It was one of those happy accidents. The blur effect of Killie in the picture a lot makes her look like a ghost, while the rest of the objects in the photograph are still sharp and in focus. I call this one "Cat in Motion."

This one if a new favorite of mine that I did recently. It is entitle "Can't Stop." I has a lot of meaning for me, in the fact that at times I do not take time to stop and enjoy life. It is a reminder that I need to take time from thinking too much and just enjoy life as it happens.